Spring will come to the Canyon
Pleasant childhood memories were restored today as I walked around enjoying the huge display of hundreds of daffodils planted last fall. The jonquils much smaller than the King Alfreds, but their fragrance more intense.
These beautiful spring days are so fleeting, cherish each day full of sunshine, warmth, and rebirth! Huuuuummmmmm...
I was drawn to the sour cherry because of the intense buzzing. Hundreds of honeybees flitting from blossom to blossom. Busy bees! Not since I was a very young girl do I remember hearing so many. They would always cover the wax leaf privet that grew as hedges separating neighbors yards. The days were warm, the fragrance strong and if our ball went into the hedge, we’d yell, “Be careful of the bee bushes!” I was always so afraid of getting stung, but never was. I always thought it was due to the fact that I was so skillful in gingerly retrieving the ball. Now I know they were so busy going about their business that they would never go out of their way to pay any attention to me. With everyone so anxious to get out after being cooped up for so long, we sometimes rush around, too busy to enjoy where we are at the moment. Enjoy each day of being able to get out and about but don’t forget to stop and smell the jonquils and listen to the buzzing of the bees! Happy Spring! ~Rocki, April 2021

The Colors of Winter
The brilliant red cloak of autumn is now a crumpled brown blanket on the ground beneath bare maples.
Beautiful Fall Color 2020
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